every time i hear gash now i always think of the story of how you dedicated it to your bandmates because they spoke about not letting you drive the van behind your back on the night heat tour. it’s such a good song. i love hearing the backstories behind these songs and seeing where they started and how they ended up.

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I love your music so much. I remember the first time I saw you... It was February 13 in Maryland; exactly one day before Valentine's Day, exactly one week before my birthday. I'd dragged my best friend, his boyfriend, and my ex girlfriend there to see IDKHOW with me. We drove from Harrisonburg, Virginia and made several jokes along the way about how bad the opening band was going to be (as, of course,nobody likes the opening band). We get there and, after a snafu with security over some pepper spray that my ex forgot was on her keychain, we join the crowd. You guys take the stage. I noticed the laptop on a lil stool or something with what looked like Ableton Live running on it and thought it was neat to see out in the wild, but my expectations were still low if I'm being honest... And then you PLAYED. My whole group looked at each other and started grinning like maniacs. I've been listening to How To Work A Room on repeat ever since. I haven't been so infatuated with an album since listening to things like Folie a Deux, TBH+C, and, of course, Razzmatazz. I don't know if you care, but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate what you're doing with your music and these demos. Not to be cliche and/or come off like I view you through the myopic lens of my own self realization, as a musician myself I find your stories and seeing where you came from extremely encouraging. Thank you so much for that.

Anyways, sorry for writing an entire book in your comments section; I've just had this on my mind since February and thought maybe this way you'll actually be able to get this message (or at least skim through it with slight interest ;) ).

Thanks again!

Gabriel Meadows

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More than slight interest! Wow! You really just made my day. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I’m humbled and honored. Thank you Gabriel. I hope I see you out on the road again!


Did you get your pepper spray back?

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Love this song and album, as well as hearing about your creative process. Your work is a big inspiration for me as someone whose main outlet is writing and creating. Your music taps into feelings that no other music quite does. Specifically the song Stockholm Syndrome really strikes a chord with me and has for some time. I was wondering if I could have your permission to incorporate the song in a horror short film I’m working on right now. The protagonist struggles with sleep paralysis and mental health issues and I feel like Stockholm Syndrome matches his energy perfectly and would fit wonderfully played over some key moments in the film, if that would be alright with you. I won’t be making any money of this short-it’s purely a passion project-and I’d be sure to credit you accordingly if you give you give your blessing to use the song.

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such a cool song :)

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I know that tree

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